Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Happy New Year: Free Goal Setting Printable!

Happy New Year everyone! I sincerely hope that your holidays were full of warmth and love and happiness!

A new year means different things to different people, and although all of the highs and lows of years prior don’t just disappear when the clock strikes midnight, January 1st does seem to signify a fresh start. I am here to say “cheers” to that!

Some years I set goals, and some I don’t. There are times I worry about setting resolutions because of the fear of failure, or because I figure that they will all be forgotten by February. I also tend to over-analyze everything and can take goal setting too far. If goals become overly complicated, or out of touch, then I find I am less likely to feel motivated and encouraged. What I have found to work best for me is to:

  • Select 2-5 large scale goals for three areas of my life: Personal, Business, and Health. This is for the entire year! 
  • Use those goals to set smaller, bite-sized targets each week that ultimately correlate with my overall vision.

All of that said, I really want to give goal setting a real shot this year! Without specific goals, it can be easy to end up on a hamster wheel or to feel lost at sea. Using the method I find works best, I set out to create some printables to help organize my ideas. I am heading into this process with a mindset of why these goals are important to ME! It can be easy to select goals to fit a specific mold, or generic resolutions that have been set by society, but doing so doesn’t ultimately aid in personal growth. I am also keeping in mind that I am not trying to give myself a total makeover, or change who I am at my core. The entire point of goal setting is to look at opportunities for improvement and to drive myself to succeed.

So while “getting more organized” and “go to the gym” and “budget” are all completely fine resolutions, I am going to challenge myself to think outside of the box, get specific about exactly what goals I am selecting (and why), and jotting down simple action plans to help me get there.

The printables I designed are intended to get us thinking and to put a pen to paper. The best part is that I left these pages free of timelines and dates, so they can be printed and reused or updated at any time of the year. I plan to clip mine to the front of my new planner pages so that I can check in on them as I do my weekly scheduling/planning/to-do lists.

To download, click the link below the image to be directed to the PDF file. There is no need to sign up/sign-in, you should see a ‘Download’ button at the top of the screen to access the files for free.



I created an option for either Business or Educational goals so these can be used by anyone of any age! My boys tested them out and were able to use them with ease, and enjoyed sharing some of their responses with all of us during dinner the other night.


Although I didn’t post nearly as much as I would have liked/hoped this past year, I had some really wonderful opportunities that gave me fresh perspective, confidence, and excitement for what I do. I am so excited to see what is in store for 2020 and I am endlessly grateful for all of you that have stuck around through this crazy roller coaster of life.

If organizing is a goal on your list this year, but you don’t know where to begin, you can get a head start by collecting one item per day to discard from your home. Set up a box for donations that you can easily access and try to fill it by the end of the month. Less is always more when it comes to organization, and the small act letting things go is the best way to get started.

I also encourage you to take on organization in bite-sized projects. Focus on one small space at a time, and select areas that you utilize and touch the most frequently first. Organizing is always a process and you can’t organize your life overnight. I have a few areas around our home that could use some zhushing, and I hope to share those this month as I tackle them. My personal organizational goal for January is to organize one thing that I have been putting off, and I have a few of those projects to pick from!

Last year I put together a super-sized series of posts with all of my favorite tips, tricks, and products. I am going to link them below as a quick refresher:

2020 here we come! Tell me, are you a goal/resolution setter? What organizing projects do you hope to tackle this year?
from IHeart Organizing http://www.iheartorganizing.com/2020/01/happy-new-year-free-goal-setting.html

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